Evidence to the Scottish Affairs Committee, Westminster, April 29 2014

On my latest trip to talk to the Legislature I was part of a team that spoke to the Scottish Affairs Committee at Westminster. They have a longstanding inquiry into the Scottish referendum and this session was the result of the DWP Scotland Analysis released last week. I was joined by my colleague Sharon Wright from the University of  Glasgow and by David Phillips from IFS.

Apart from one or two ‘surprising’ questions or comments, it was a useful experience and one certainly learnt how to prepare for the next time. It was, however, quite different and more ‘back and forth’ than my experiences at Holyrood and its committees. We arrived there just after 2 pm. At the beginning of what turned into two and a half hours of evidence,  the Chair Ian Davidson said to us – do any of you have to leave early because if not we have the room till 9!

The URL below takes you to the archive video of the evidence.
